IEEE 1451 er en mængde af grænsefladestandarder udviklet af Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) Instrumentation and Measurement Society’s Sensor Technology Technical Committee, der beskriver en mængde af åbne, fælles, datanetuafhængige kommunikationsgrænseflader til at forbinde transducerer (sensorer eller aktuatorer) til microprocessorer, instrumentationssystemer og styrings/felt-datanet.
Et af de centrale elementer af standarderne er definition af (TEDS) for hver transducer. TEDS er en "hukommelsesenhed" forbundet til transduceren, som gemmer transducer identifikation, kalibrering, korrektionsdata og producent relateret information. Målet med IEEE 1451 standard familien er at tillade adgang til transducerdata via en fælles mængde af grænseflader, hvad enten transducerne er forbundet til systemer eller datanet via fastnet eller trådløst.
IEEE 1451 anbefales af NIST, IEEE og mange amerikanske federale agenturer.
Transducer electronic data sheet
Et Transducer Electronic Data Sheet (TEDS) er en standarderet metode til at gemme transducer (sensorer eller aktuatorer) identifikation, kalibrering, korrektionsdata og producent relateret information.
IEEE 1451 standard-familien
IEEE 1451 standard-familien omfatter:
- 1451.0-2007 IEEE Standard for a Smart Transducer Interface for Sensors and Actuators – Common Functions, Communication Protocols, and Transducer Electronic Data Sheet (TEDS) Formats
- 1451.1-1999 IEEE Standard for a Smart Transducer Interface for Sensors and Actuators – Network Capable Application Processor Information Model
- 1451.2-1997 IEEE Standard for a Smart Transducer Interface for Sensors and Actuators – Transducer to Microprocessor Communication Protocols & TEDS Formats
- 1451.3-2003 IEEE Standard for a Smart Transducer Interface for Sensors and Actuators – Digital Communication & TEDS Formats for Distributed Multidrop Systems
- 1451.4-2004 IEEE Standard for a Smart Transducer Interface for Sensors and Actuators – Mixed-Mode Communication Protocols & TEDS Formats
- 1451.5-2007 IEEE Standard for a Smart Transducer Interface for Sensors and Actuators – Wireless Communication Protocols & Transducer Electronic Data Sheet (TEDS) Formats
- 1451.7-2010 IEEE Standard for a Smart Transducer Interface for Sensors and Actuators – Transducers to Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) Systems Communication Protocols and Transducer Electronic Data Sheet Formats
- 10. feb 2000, Fælles standard for sensorer Citat: "... En række nye amerikanske standarder beskriver, hvordan sensorer ved hjælp af et elektronisk datablad kan gøres uafhængige af netværket...Hensigten var at lave en ny standard, der tillader sensorer at blive anvendt med alle forskellige typer af netværk i en plug-and-play form...En række firmaer er allerede begyndt at udvikle sensorsystemer, efter IEEE 1451 serien. I Danmark er eksempelvis Brüel & Kjær med langt fremme..."
- Web archive backup: Smart Sensor Design and Networking Standards. Dr. Darold Wobschall Citat: "...The IEEE 1451 Smart Transducer Protocol standard is the best universal solution. Supported by NIST, IEEE and many Federal agencies...Compatible with most wired and wireless sensor buses and networks (point-to-point, mesh, TIM-to-TIM, mixed networks)...RFID with Sensors...Sensor format is based in IEEE 1451 protocol...Typical application is tracking and monitoring perishable shipments (temperature, shock/vibration)..."
- "April 2008, IEEE Instrumentation & Measurement Magazine: Understanding IEEE 1451 — Networked Smart Transducer Interface Standard. Eugene Y. Song and Kang Lee" (PDF). Arkiveret fra originalen (PDF) 15. april 2015. Hentet 15. april 2015.
- An Open Implementation of IEEE 1451
- The Importance of IEEE 1451 Citat: "...At the process connection level, 1451 provides standard ways of creating totally self-describing measurement and control devices. This allows you to choose best-in-class products from your preferred vendors — true plug&play. Imagine plugging on a new sensor and having it announce its availability ... with information like its serial number, calibration factors, and accuracy specifications. During installation location information can also be loaded so that you can turn on a totally self-describing system...With 1451, you are not only free to choose vendors and devices you want, but you are free to choose the network that is most appropriate for your application..."
- "An Overview of IEEE 1451.4 Transducer Electronic Data Sheets (TEDS)". Hentet 2005-11-28.
- "IEEE Standard for a Smart Transducer Interface for Sensors and Actuators". . doi:10.1109/IEEESTD.2007.4346346. Hentet 20. marts 2009.
Se også
- Bluetooth
- Datanet
- BACnet
- Datablad (elektronik)
- IEEE 802.15
- IEEE 802.11, standards for Wi-Fi branded products
- Near Field Communication
- Personal Area Network
- Wireless USB
- ZigBee - low power lightweight wireless protocol in the
Eksterne henvisninger
- IEEE Standard for a Smart Transducer Interface for Sensors and Actuators
- Understanding IEEE 1451-Networked smart transducer interface standard - What is a smart transducer?
- IEEE Std 1451.4-2004 tutorials
- IEEE Std 1451.4-2004 FAQ
- IEEE Std 1451.4-2004 manufacturer_ID assignments list
- IEEE Std 1451.4-2004 manufacturer_ID main page
- IEEE Std 1451.4-2004 URN assignments list
- IEEE Std 1451.4-2004 URN main page
- IEEE Std 1451.4-2004 template or TDL item publication main page
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